• If your typewriter is set in the automatic carrier return or margin justificationmode, the carrier will automaticallyreturn to the left margin of the next line when aspace or hyphen is typed in the hot zone. For continued typing after entering a space orhyphen in the hot zone, use the permanent space or hyphen function (see page 22).Right Margin AlarmIf an alarm sounds at the right margin and the keyboard locks, follow the procedure below.In theu mode:In theIn thePress continue typing beyond the right margin.• When typing in the line-by-line mode, it is recommended that you use thekey to erase the character(s) at the right margin and then pressreturn the carrier.e.] mode:e Press to continue typing beyond the right margin, andthen type a space or hyphen to return the carrier.When typing in the line-by-line mode, it is recommendedthat you use thekey to erase the last character(s) and then type a space or hyphen toreturn the carrier. (The key begins to erase characters when presseda second time.)mode:• It is recommendedthat you use the [Ä] key to erase the last character(s)and then type a space or hyphen to return the carrier. (The keybegins to erase characters when pressed a second time.)Carrier Return WithoutLine FeedThis function returns the carrier to the left margin without performing a line feed. It is usefulfor typing on the same line immediatelyafter setting margins or tabs.1. PressCODE2. Pressczappears on the display.The carrier will return to the leftmargin withoutexecuting a line feed.RETURN• If characters are entered on the display, the alarm sounds and this operation is not performed.16