Viewing Images27This is the area that will be recorded in a movie. Movies can be shot simply bypressing the movie button, no matter what position the mode dial is in (p. 31).To hide the frame, choose [Custom Display], then [Shooting Info] and remove thecheck mark (p. 148).You can view your images on the screen.Enter Playback mode.● Press the 1 button.X The last image you took will appear.Choose an image.● Pressing the q button will cycle throughthe images in reverse order.● Pressing the r button will cycle throughthe images in the order they were taken.● The images change more quickly if youkeep the qr buttons pressed, but theywill appear coarse.● Turning the  dial counter-clockwisedisplays images in reverse order, whileturning it clockwise displays images in theorder they were taken.● Pressing the shutter button halfway inPlayback mode switches the camera toShooting mode.● The lens will retract after approximately 1minute elapses.Under certain conditions, the icon that appears may not match the actualscene. Especially when there is an orange or blue colored background (awall for example), or the “Blue Skies” icons may appear and it maynot be possible to shoot with the appropriate color. If this happens, tryshooting in G mode (p. 68).What is the rectangular gray frame?Viewing ImagesCOPY