113Various Shooting MethodsYou can make detailed built-in flash and external flash* settings to fitthe shooting conditions.* See Setting the Externally Mounted Flash (p. 268).Built-in Flash SettingsSetting the FlashAvailable Shooting Modes p. 300Menu Item Summary NoteFlash Mode When set to [Manual], you cancontrol the flash output in theor shooting mode.–Flash Exp.CompFlash exposure compensation canbe adjusted in the range of –2 to +2stops in 1/3-stop increments. Youcan combine the flash exposurecompensation with the camera’sexposure compensation functionfor balanced exposure of thebackground when shooting with aflash.In orshooting mode, set[Flash Mode] to[Auto] in advance.Flash Output The flash output can be controlledin three steps, up to FULL, whenshooting.In orshooting mode,please set [FlashMode] to [Manual].Shutter Sync. You can switch the timing at whichthe flash fires.–1st-curtain The flash fires right after the shutteropens, regardless of the shutterspeed. Usually, the 1st-curtain isused when shooting.2nd-curtain The flash fires right before theshutter closes. Compared with the1st-curtain, the flash fires later andallows you to shoot images inwhich, for example, a car’s taillightsseem to trail off behind.COPY