114Slow Synchro The flash timing is adjusted to slowshutter speeds. This reduces thechance that only the backgroundwill appear dark when a night sceneor an interior shot is taken.Using Slow Synchroincreases thechances for camerashake. Use of a tripodis recommended.Red-EyeCorr.Automatically searches for andcorrects red eyes in the imagewhen the flash fires.–Red-EyeLampThis feature reduces the effect oflight reflecting back from the eyesand making them appear red.The red-eyereduction lamp lightsorange before theflash fires.Safety FE The camera automatically changesthe shutter speed or aperture valuewhen the flash fires to avoidoverexposing and blowing out thehighlights in the scene.In orshooting mode, set[Flash Mode] to[Auto] in advance.About Red-Eye Correctionz When [Red-Eye Corr.] is set to [On], only the correctedimage is recorded to the memory card.z If the area around the eyes is red, for example from usingred eye shadow, that area may also be corrected. If thishappens, set [Red-Eye Corr.] to [Off].z Red eyes may not be automatically detected or may not befully corrected on some images. In either case, you cancorrect images with [Red-Eye Correction] in the menu(p. 182).Menu Item Summary NoteCOPY