80Approximate Values for Recording Pixels: Approximate values for recording pixels with decimal fractions rounded off(*1 rounded up to two significant figures according to CIPA standards). M is short formegapixels.*2 Paper sizes vary according to region.Changing the Recording Pixels(Still Images)Available Shooting Modes p. 3001 Select the recording pixels.1. Press the button.2. Use the or button to selectand the or button to changethe recording pixels.3. Press the button.Recording Pixels Purpose* 2Large 15M*1 4416 × 3312 HighLowPrinting to about A2 size (Approx.420 × 594 mm (16.5 × 23.4 in.))Medium 1 9M 3456 × 2592 Printing to about A3 size (Approx.297 × 420 mm (11.7 × 16.5 in.))Medium 2 5M 2592 × 1944Printing to about A4 size (Approx.210 × 297 mm (8.3 × 11.7 in.))Printing to about Letter size prints216 × 279 mm (8.5 × 11 in.)Medium 3 2M 1600 × 1200Printing postcard-size prints148 × 100 mm (6 × 4 in.)Printing L-size prints 119 × 89 mm(4.7 × 3.5 in.)Small 0.3M 640 × 480Sending images as e-mailattachments or shooting moreimagesWidescreen 4416 × 2480Printing wide size prints (Images arerecorded with 16:9 aspect ratios. Areasnot recorded will display as black barson the LCD monitor.)RAW 4416 × 3312 p. 82COPY