Shooting Still Images18Getting Started 5. Press the shutter button fully (all the way) to shoot.• The shutter sound will play and the image will record.• Movement of the camera or subject while the shutter sound isplaying may result in blurred images.• Recorded images are displayed on the LCD monitor forapproximately 2 seconds immediately after shooting (Rec.Review). You can shoot by pressing the shutter button evenwhen an image is being displayed.• If you hold the shutter button down after a shot, the image willcontinue to display.• The indicator will blink green and the file will record to thememory card.To Shoot Images in FocusThe camera automatically sets the focus when you press the shutterbutton halfway*.* The shutter button has a two-stage action. Pressing it down to the first stage isreferred to as “pressing halfway”.Mute SettingPressing the button while turning on the camera power willsilence all camera sounds. You can change the setting in[Mute] in the Set up menu (p. 59).Press halfwayto set the focusAn AF frame will display ingreen on the LCD monitorat the point of focus.Press fullyIncorrectAF FrameCorrectBeep,beep…Shooting PreparationsComplete: Lights green(orange when the flash will fire)Recording:Blinks greenJust pressingfullyCOPY