Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality andCorrecting Image Data > Adjusting ContrastP020Adjusting ContrastYou can adjust the image contrast during printing.To make the differences between the light and dark portions of images greater and more distinct,increase the contrast. On the other hand, to make the differences between the light and dark portions ofimages smaller and less distinct, reduce the contrast.No adjustment Adjust the contrastThe procedure for adjusting contrast is as follows:You can also set contrast on the Quick Setup tab by choosing Photo Printing under Commonly UsedSettings, and then choosing Color/Intensity Manual Adjustment under Additional Features.1. Open the printer driver setup window2. Select the manual color adjustmentOn the Main tab, select Manual for Color/Intensity, and click Set....The Manual Color Adjustment dialog box opens.3. Adjust the contrastMoving the Contrast slider to the right increases the contrast, and moving it to the left decreases thecontrast.You can also directly enter a value linked to the slider. Enter a value in the range from -50 to 50. Thecurrent settings are displayed in the settings preview on the left side of the printer driver.Page 301 of 759 pagesAdjusting Contrast