41S T E P 3To Edit the Tone CurveIn the Tone Adjustment dialog box, click the tone curve tab.Change the tone curve in any direction to adjust its shape.Click the OK button.The image in the preview window changes to reflect the new settings.You can adjust the setting for eachchannel: R (red), G (green), B (blue)or M (master). You can adjust eachchannels independently. (You canadjust RGB only for a color image.)Shows the input andoutput level at thepoint under the pointer(control point) in thegraph, expressed as avalue from 0 to 255where 0 is the darkestand 255 the lightest.If the output level islarger than the inputlevel, this results in alighter image.To create a control point on the line, just click anywherein the graph. After a control point is displayed in the lineyou can click to move it in any direction. As you move itto another location, the value changes. You can setseveral control points on the tone curve.To restore the tonecurve default settings,click this button.To restore all thedefault settings, clickthis button.The Tone Adjustment settings can be saved in a fileand reloaded for later use.