14For more information see www.shef.ac.uk/cics/creativemediaTransferring recorded materialTo transfer recorded material to a computer, you will need a firewire cable. There are threemain connections, as pictured below:3 Pin 6 Pin 9 PinThe cameras have a 3 Pin socket. What connection you will need on the other end will depend onthe socket on the computer you plan to use. Most Information Commons desktop machines willneed a 3 Pin - 6 Pin cable, whereas the Information Commons laptops will need a 3 Pin - 3 Pin. Ifyou plan on using your own computer you may need any of these, or may not have Firewire at all.If in doubt please ask a member of staff.Firewire Cables for IC laptops and desktop machines are available as "additional items"when you book your camera via MyRooms&Resources, or separately as "IC Accessories".The cable attaches to the camera in the socketlabelled DV (circled), under the LCD displaymonitor, with the other end attaching to yourcomputer.To capture the material you would use editing software such as Windows MovieMaker, AdobePremiere, iMovie or Final Cut Pro. The details vary of how you would do this - seewww.shef.ac.uk/cics/creativemedia/ for Quick Tips guides for these programmes, that will givedetailed instruction on how to do this.Note - Capturing from tape takes as long as the footage you want to capture - if you recorded anhour, for example, it will take an hour.