11For more information see www.shef.ac.uk/cics/creativemediaAdvanced controlsIf operating the camera on Easy mode (see "Recording" on page 6), most settings will beautomatically set, with the camera calculating optimum settings for the light conditions. If in PMode, however, you will be able to change several settings on the camera.While in camera mide (see "Recording" on page 6) press Function. The menu is then controlledusing the joystick. (See "Playback" on page 8).Moving the joystick up and down will move throughthe menu, and left and right between the different settings displayed at the bottom of the screen.The first icon sets a series of recording presets,including settings optimised for night, portraits,snow, sports, beach, etc. Program AE is thesetting that allows you to alter the settingsindividually yourself.The next sets the white balance (the way thecamera works out colours in different lightconditions). The settings are auto whitebalance, presets for outdoors and Tungstenlighting, and evaluate white balance. To dothe latter, select this icon, point the camera atsomething predominantly white (such as apiece of paper or white wall), and press thejoystick as a button.The fourth icon sets various effects, includingfades, black and white, sepia and mosaicmodes. It is strongly recommended that you donot use these in filming, and add any effectssuch as these when you edit your footage (inpost-production). However it is useful to knowwhere this setting is, in case a previous user hasadded any of these effects and you need toremove them.