25COMPUTER INPUTSELECTING COMPUTER SYSTEMThis projector automatically tunes to various types of computers based on VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA, SXGA+,WXGA, or UXGA (refer to “COMPATIBLE COMPUTER SPECIFICATIONS” on pages 55–56). When Computer isselected, this projector automatically detects the incoming signal and projects proper image without anyadditional setting. (Some computers need to be set manually.)The projector displays one of these: Auto, -----, Mode 1–10, or the system provided in the projector.When the projector cannot recognize a connectedsignal as PC system provided in this projector, the AutoPC Adjustment function operates to adjust the projectorand “Auto” is displayed on the SYSTEM Menu icon.When the image is not provided properly, a manualadjustment is required. (See pages 27–28.)There is no signal input from the computer. Make surethe connection of a computer and the projector is setcorrectly. (See “TROUBLESHOOTING” on page 50.)Auto-----PC SYSTEM Menu iconDisplays system being selected.PC SYSTEM MENUSELECTING COMPUTER SYSTEM MANUALLYPress the MENU button to display the On-ScreenMenu. Press the POINT LEFT/RIGHT buttons to movethe red frame pointer to the PC SYSTEM Menu icon.Press the POINT UP/DOWN buttons to move the redarrow pointer to the desired system, and then pressOK button.12PC SYSTEM MENUThis projector automatically selects PC system among thoseprovided in this projector, however, PC system can be alsoselected manually.AUTOMATIC MULTI-SCAN SYSTEMPress the MENU button to display the On-ScreenMenu. Press the POINT LEFT/RIGHT buttons to movethe red frame pointer to the INPUT Menu icon.Press the POINT UP/DOWN buttons and a red-arrowicon appears. Move the arrow to “RGB,” and thenpress the OK button.13When connecting a computer output [5 BNC Type (Green,Blue, Red, Horiz. Sync, and Vert. Sync.)] from a computer toG, B, R, H/HV, and V jacks:WHEN SELECTING INPUT 2 (5 BNC INPUT JACKS )INPUT MENUPress the POINT UP/DOWN buttons to move the redarrow pointer to Input 2 and then press OK button. ASource Select Menu appears.2The User preset adjustment in MANUAL PCADJUSTMENT. The Adjusted data can be stored in theMode 1–10.Mode 1PC systems provided in this projector. The projectorchooses proper system and displays it.SVGA 1✽ Mode 1 and SVGA 1 are examples.NOTE:• INPUT SOURCE changes if the INPUT 2 button on the remote control unit ispressed.INPUT Menu iconMove the pointer (red arrow) to Input2 and press the OK button.Input 2Move the pointer (redarrow) to RGB and press theOK button.Source Select MenuPC SYSTEM Menu iconDisplays system being selected.Systems in this dialog box can beselected.Custom Mode (1–10) set in PCADJUST Menu. (pp.27–28)