Other FunctionsAdvanced Functions57On-screen displays + Data code2 onOnly on-screen displays onOnly tape-related displays (in stop modeor playback pause) or All displays off(during playback)On-screen displays + Histogram3/Datacode on Only on-screen displays onAll displays off1 Tape related displays: Tape operation icon,time code and remaining tape display.2 Data code: Time, date and camera data at thetime of recording. The contents to bedisplayed can be selected as explained in thefollowing section.3 Histogram display: For still images you candisplay the complete camera data registeredat the time of recording. For details on how toread the histogram display, refer to thefollowing section.Se le c t ing t he Dat a CodeYou can select the data code to bedisplayed when playing back movies.Opt ions Default valueRe a ding t he H ist ogra m Displa yWhen viewing still images you candisplay the histogram and the icons of allthe functions used at the time ofrecording. Use the histogram as areference to verify the correct exposure ofthe still image.The area to the right of the histogramrepresents highlights and the left siderepresents shadows. A still image whosehistogram skews to the right is relativelybright; while one whose histogram peaksto the left, is relatively dark.NOTESThe histogram display will appear also afterrecording a still image while reviewing it withinthe time set for the [REVIEW] option (orimmediately after recording it, if [REVIEW] is setto [ OFF]).[ DATE], [ TIME]Displays the date or time when the sceneor still image was recorded.[ DATE & TIME]Displays both the date and time of therecording.[ CAMERA DATA]Displays the aperture (f-stop) and shutterspeed used when recording the image.FU N C.( 21)MENUDISPLAY SETUP/DATA CODEDesired optionFUNC.FUNC.ShadowsPixel CountHighlights