Adjusting the Picture: Exposure, Focus and Color48Ma nual Foc us Adjust me ntAutofocus may not work well on thefollowing subjects. In such case, focusmanually.Reflective surfacesSubjects with low contrast orwithout vertical linesFast moving subjectsThrough wet windowsNight scenesPOI NTS TO CHECKAdjust the zoom before you start theprocedure.Mode switch:1 Press .“MF” appears.2 Adjust the focus as necessary withthe FOCUS dial until the imageappears focused.• You can also press ( 48)or use the CUSTOM key to magnifythe picture so you can focus moreeasily ( 56).• Pressing again will return thecamcorder to autofocus.NOTESThe camcorder will automatically return toautofocus when you set the mode switch to .I nfinit y Foc usUse this function when you wish to focuson faraway subjects such as mountains orfireworks.1 Adjust the zoom.2 In autofocus mode, keeppressed down for more than 2seconds.• appears.• Pressing again will return thecamcorder to autofocus.• Operating the zoom or the FOCUSdial will return the camcorder tomanual focus adjustment (MF).Ma gnifying t he I ma ge on t he Sc re e nYou can magnify the image at the centerof the screen to make it easier for you tofocus manually. You can also choose torecord the magnified image.( 8)FOCUSMAGNIFY( 8)FOCUSFOCUSFOCUS