35NOTES• Keep at least 1 m (3.3 ft.) away from thesubject. At full wide angle, you canfocus on a subject as close as 1 cm(0.39 in.).• When [ZOOM SPEED] is set to[ VARIABLE]:- When you use the T and W buttons onthe wireless controller or LCD panel,the zoom speed will be constant at[ SPEED 3].- The zoom speed will be faster inrecord pause mode than when actuallyrecording.Quick Start FunctionWhen you close the LCD panel with thecamcorder on, the camcorder entersthe standby mode. In standby mode thecamcorder consumes only about halfthe power used when recording, savingenergy when you are using a batterypack. Additionally, when you open theLCD panel, the camcorder is ready tostart recording in approximately1 second, ensuring you do not missimportant shooting opportunities.1 With the camcorder on and in arecording mode, close the LCDpanel.A beep will sound and theindicator will change to orange toindicate the camcorder entered thestandby mode.2 When you wish to resumerecording, open the LCD panel.Within less than 1 second, theindicator will return to greenand the camcorder will be ready torecord.IMPORTANTDo not disconnect the power sourceduring standby mode (while theindicator is lit in orange).NOTES• If you close the LCD panel under somecircumstances (for example whilerecording, while a menu is beingdisplayed, while the battery charge islow, or while the memory card slot coveris open), the camcorder may not enterthe standby mode. Check that theindicator changes to orange.• The camcorder will shut off if left instandby mode for 10 minutes,regardless of the [POWER SAVE] setting( 80). Press to turn on thecamcorder.• You can select the length of time untilshut-off or turn off the Quick Start functionwith the [QUICK START] setting ( 81).Reviewing and Deleting the Last SceneRecordedEven in mode you can play backthe last scene recorded in order tocheck it. You can also delete the scenewhile reviewing it.( 24)( 24)ON/OFFCOPY