Video34Selecting the Zoom TypeOptions Default valueFUNC.( 26)[ MENU][ CAMERA SETUP][ZOOM TYPE] Desired optionNOTES• In mode, the zoom type isautomatically set to [ ADVANCED].• The zoom range of the advanced zoomwill change depending on the aspectratio of the scene ( 76).Using the ZoomMove the zoom lever toward W tozoom out (wide-angle). Move ittoward T to zoom in (telephoto).Press gently for a slow zoom; pressharder for faster zooms. You can alsoset [ZOOM SPEED] ( 76) to one ofthree constant speeds (3 is the fastest,1 the slowest).( 24)[ OPTICAL] (37x)The zoom range is limited to the opticalmagnification ratio of the lens.[ ADVANCED] (Advanced Zoom)In addition to the optical zoom range, thecamcorder processes the image digitally toobtain a larger zoom range without anydeterioration in image quality. When recordingmovies with a 16:9 aspect ratio, the field of view(picture angle) will change. Refer to the table inthe NOTES section.[ DIGITAL] (2000x)When this option is selected, the camcorder willswitch to digital zoom (light blue area on thezoom indicator) when you zoom in beyond theoptical zoom range (white area on the zoomindicator). With the digital zoom the image isprocessed digitally so image quality willdeteriorate the more you zoom in.FUNC.FUNC.[WIDESCREEN] set to [ ON] (16:9)48x** The picture angle will be wider at both fulltelephoto and full wide-angle.[WIDESCREEN] set to [ OFF] (4:3)55x( 24)W TW TW Zoom out T Zoom inCOPY