166You can shoot a series of short movie clips lasting approx. 2 sec., 4sec., or 8 sec. called video snapshots. The video snapshots can bejoined together into a single movie called a video snapshot album. Youcan thereby show quick highlights of a trip or event.A video snapshot album can also be played together with backgroundmusic (p.170, 215).1 Select [Video snapshot].Under the [Z2] tab, select [Videosnapshot], then press <0>.2 Select the [Video snapshot]shooting time.Select the shooting time for one videosnapshot, then press <0>.Press the <M> button to exit themenu and return to the movieshooting screen.3 Shooting Video SnapshotsSetting the Video Snapshot Shooting DurationVideo Snapshot Album ConceptVideo snapshot albumVideosnapshot 1Videosnapshot 2Videosnapshot xCOPY