43Exposure Compensation• The exposure level indicator and expo-sure compensation symbol are dis-played in the viewfinder, and the com-pensation amount is displayed in theLCD panel’s exposure level indicator.• In the LCD panel, “+” indicates overex-posure and “–” indicates underexpo-sure relative to the camera’s meterreading.• In the viewfinder display, overexpo-sure and underexposure are indicatedrespectively by exposure compensa-tion amounts above and below the tri-angle index at the center of the scale.• After setting the desired compensationamount, it is recommended to set thequick control dial switch to to pre-vent accidental alteration of the setting.• To cancel the exposure compensation,operate the quick control dial to returnthe exposure level indicator to the zero( ) position.1 Indicates correct exposure2 Indicates more than 3 stops overex-posure3 Indicates more than 3 stops underex-posureIf CF No. 6 is used to set the exposure compensation amount in 1/2-stop or 1/3-stop incre-ments, the exposure level indicator in the viewfinder display and in the LCD panel appearas shown below.1-1/2 stops underONE SHOT3 2 1 1 2 3vT03 2 1 1 2 30ONE SHOT3 2 1 1 2 3vT03 2 1 1 2 301-1/3 stops under4 Take the picture.• The set exposure compensation amount is not canceled even if the mainswitch is set to .Correct exposure indicator1 2 3→→00. Part.2 RS (E) (P.28~47) 27-01-2003 11:56 Page 43