38Selecting the Metering Mode● Evaluative Metering ( )Use this mode for general subjectsand backlit scenes. By dividing theviewfinder into 16 metering zoneslinked with the five focusing points, thecamera evaluates factors such as sub-ject size, position (based on the focus-ing point in use), brightness, back-ground, front lighting and back lightingto determine the best exposure setting.In manual focusing mode, evaluativemetering is based on the central focus-ing point.• When the subject is lit by strong backlight-ing or a narrow beam of light such as aspotlight, we recommend using partialmetering ( ) or fine spot metering ( ).● Partial Metering ( )This mode limits the metering area tothe central part of the viewfinder(approx. 9% of the image area). Selectthis mode when the subject is backlitor positioned near a strong lightsource.This function lets you select center-weightedaverage metering instead of evaluative meter-ing ( ).(Refer to pages 88–89)Custom Function00. Part.2 RS (E) (P.28~47) 27-01-2003 11:56 Page 38