56 • PhotosThe area to the right of the histogramrepresents highlights and the left siderepresents shadows. A still imagewhose histogram skews to the right isrelatively bright; while one whosehistogram peaks to the left, is relativelydark.NOTES• The histogram will appear also afterrecording a still image, unless youpressed while reviewing the stillimage immediately after recording it.• In mode, pressrepeatedly to turn the histogram andother onscreen displays on and off( 42).Protecting PhotosYou can protect still images fromaccidental erasure.[ PROTECT][ PROTECT]: The image selectionscreen appears.1 Select ( ) the still image youwant to protect.2 Press to protect the still image.appears on the bottom bar andthe image cannot be erased. Pressagain to remove the imageprotection.3 Repeat steps 1-2 to protectadditional images or presstwice to close the menu.IMPORTANTInitializing the memory card ( 56) willpermanently erase all still images, includingprotected ones.Initializing the Memory CardInitialize memory cards when you usethem with this camcorder for the firsttime, or to erase all the still images onthem.Options[ MENU][ STILL IMG OPER.][INITIALIZE CARD]Select the card initializationmethod [YES]*( 19)F ROM THE IMAGE SELECTION SCREENShadowsPixel CountHighlightsDISP.DISP.FUNC.[INITIALIZE]Clears the file allocation table but does notphysically erase the stored data.[COMPL.INIT.]Erases all data completely.( 19)FUNC.FUNC.FUNC.Downloaded From VideoCamera-Manual.com Manuals