24 • Preparations3 Slide fully towardOPEN and gently open the disccover completely until it stops.Retract the grip belt under thecamcorder so it will not get in the wayof the disc cover.4 Insert the disc and press its centerfirmly until it clicks in place.• Insert the disc with the recordingside facing down (single sideddiscs – label side facing out).• Be careful not to touch therecording surface of the disc or thepick up lens.5 Close the disc cover.Do not force the cover closed if thedisc is not correctly inserted andfirmly set in place.NOTESThe process of recognizing a disc may takea moment. The display will move whilethe disc is being read. Wait until thecamcorder finishes recognizing the disc( stops moving and turns green) beforeyou start recording.You can start recording movies once therecord pause indicator appears.You need to initialize new discs beforeyou can start recording. The discinitialization screen will appear when anew DVD-RW disc is first inserted if the/ switch is set to (movies). Ifthe disc is already initialized, you canstart recording movies once the recordpause indicator appears.Otherwise, perform the following stepsto initialize the disc.Select ( ) the desired discspecification and press . For acomparison between the VIDEO andVR specifications, see How to Selecta DVD Disc ( 3).A confirmation message will appearon the screen. Select ( ) [YES] andpress to start the discinitialization, or select [NO] and pressto return and select a differentdisc specification.• The disc initialization will takeapproximately one minute. Avoidmoving the camcorder while theoperation is in progress.• You can start recording moviesonce the record pauseindicator appears.WHEN USING DVD-R/DVD-R DL DISCSDISC COVER WHEN USING DVD-RW DISCSDownloaded From VideoCamera-Manual.com Manuals