Video • 37• The sound from the built-in speaker willbe muted when you close the LCD panelor while the STV-250N Stereo VideoCable is connected to the AV terminal.• If you turn down the volume completely,the icon will change to .Deleting ScenesIf you are using a DVD-RW disc, you candelete those scenes that you are notinterested in keeping.Deleting a Single ScenePOINTS TO CHECKDisc type: DVD-RW • VR modeFrom the original index screen, select( , ) the scene to delete. Todelete a scene only in the playlist,switch to the playlist first ( 47), andthen select the scene.[ DELETE] [YES]Deleting All ScenesPOINTS TO CHECKDisc type: DVD-RW • VR modeTo delete all the scenes from the originalindex screen, perform the followingprocedure. This will delete also thewhole playlist. If you want to delete onlythe playlist (without affecting the originalrecordings), switch to the playlist first( 47), and then continue as follows.[ MENU][ DISC OPERATIONS][DEL.ALL MOVIES]* [YES]* When you are deleting the playlist, thismenu option will be replaced by[DEL.PLAYLIST].IMPORTANTBe careful when deleting originalrecordings. Once deleted, an originalscene cannot be recovered.NOTES• You may not be able to delete scenesshorter than 5 seconds. To delete suchscenes you must initialize the disc( 48), in the process deleting all therecordings on the disc.• Do not change the position of theswitch or the / switch while thescene is being deleted (while the DISCaccess indicator is on or flashing).On-Screen Displays (Data Code)The camcorder keeps a data codecontaining the date and time and othercamera data (shutter speed, aperture,etc.) registered at the time of recording.You can select the data to be displayed.For details about on-screen displays forstill images, refer to Histogram andOther Screen Displays ( 59) .( 22)FUNC.( 24)( 22)FUNC.FUNC.( 24)FUNC.FUNC.COPY