Chapter 22-22T-2-42.3.2 Checking the Presence/Absence of an Original 0002-7429The machine uses the original placement sensor (PI5) to check the presence/absence of anoriginal in the original tray.When an original is placed on the tray, the detecting lever operates in conjunction with thelight-blocking plate, during which the light-blocking plate blocks the light of the photointerrupter. As a result, the original placement sensor (PI5) generates the original detectionsignal (EMP_S), which will cause the ADF driver PCB to turn on the original placementindicator.F-2-17Item Description Sensor used(notation)checks thepresence/absenceof an original inthe original pickuptray.checks the presence/absence of an original in the original pickuptray.original placementsensor (PI5)Original presence/absenceCross-feeddirectionchecks the width of the original placed in the original pickup tray. original widthvolume (VR1)Feed direction checks the length of the original with reference to the time (distance)from when the read sensor goes on to when it goes sensor (PI8)ADF driver PCBDetecting lever OriginalEMP_SEMP_LEDLEDPI5