Canon Cover Sheet Editor4-52PC Faxing4Specifying FieldsYou can show sender or fax recipient information, such as the name, fax number,company name, and department/division name on the cover sheet using a featurecalled a "field."Fields are objects in the cover sheet that you can replace with data when sending afax. Actual sender and recipient information as specified in the fax driver isautomatically inserted in the corresponding fields on the cover sheet duringtransmission.Available fields:• Sender information: Name, Fax Number, Company, Dept./Div.• Recipient information: Name, Fax Number, Company, Dept./Div.• Sheets to send• Other information: Remark, CommentA recipient information field that contains multiple values is called a "repeatingfield." This feature is convenient for using the same cover sheet to send faxes tomultiple recipients.The repeating field is used to insert data for every recipient specified in the faxdriver.In addition to the [Sender Information] and [Recipient Information] fields, you canalso insert [Sheets to Send], [Remark], and [Comment] fields on the cover sheet.When the fax is sent, the number of sheets to send as a fax specified in the faxdriver is inserted in the [Sheets to Send] field, information specified in the fax driversuch as [Urgent] or [Confidential] is inserted in the [Remark] field, and commentsspecified in the fax driver are entered in the [Comment] field.FAXFrom[Sender Name]To[Recipient Name]Substitutedwhen the faxis sent.[Remark]FAXFromGeorge SmithToMr. David Walters[Confidential]FAX FAX[Recipient Company] XXX CompanyDept. ADr. CurtisDept. BMr. AlterDept. CMr. GreenDept. DMs. HarrisonSubstitutedfor eachrecipient whenthe fax is sent.[Begin Repeat][Recipient Dept./Div.][Recipient Name][End Repeat]