EnglishREAD CAREFULLY BEFORE USINGCanon Software License AgreementIMPORTANT - READ THIS AGREEMENT BEFOREUSING THE SOFTWARE IN THIS BOX. BY USINGTHE SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BYTHE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT.This is a license agreement (the “Agreement”)between you and Canon Inc.(“Canon”).IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS ANDCONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT USETHE SOFTWARE PROGRAM AND THE USERMANUAL IN THIS BOX (COLLECTIVELY, THE“SOFTWARE”) AND RETURN THE SOFTWAREWITHIN 30 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASETO YOUR POINT OF PURCHASE FOR A REFUND.In consideration of the right to use the SOFT-WARE, you agree to abide by the terms andconditions of this Agreement.1. LICENSE: Canon grants you the limited, non-exclusive right to use the SOFTWARE onlyon a single computer. You may physicallytransfer the SOFTWARE from one computerto another provided that the SOFTWARE isused on only one computer at a time. Youshall not install or use the SOFTWARE on anetwork, multiple site arrangement, or anyother hardware configuration where theSOFTWARE is accessible to more than oneCPU or to more than one user.YOU SHALL NOT ASSIGN, SUBLICENSE, RENT,SELL, LEASE, LOAN OR CONVEY THE SOFT-WARE OR OTHERWISE USE, TRANSFER,COPY, TRANSLATE, CONVERT TO ANOTHERPROGRAMMING LANGUAGE OR ALTER,MODIFY, DISCOMPILE OR DISASSEMBLE THESOFTWARE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, EXCEPTAS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS AGREE-MENT.2. BACK-UP COPY: You may make one copy ofthe SOFTWARE solely for back-up purposes,or copy the SOFTWARE onto the permanentstorage device (e.g. a hard disk) of your com-puter and retain the original for back-uppurposes. Any other copying of the SOFT-WARE is a violation of this Agreement. Youmust reproduce and include the copyrightnotice on the back-up copy.3 SUPPORT AND UPDATES: Canon is not re-sponsible for providing maintenance or sup-port for use of the SOFTWARE. No updates,fixes or support will be made available forthe SOFTWARE.4. LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OFLIABILITY: It is your responsibility to choose,maintain and match the hardware and soft-ware components of your computer system.Thus Canon does not guarantee uninter-rupted service or correction of errors or thatthe functions or performance of the SOFT-WARE will meet your requirements. THESOFTWARE IS LICENSED ON AN “AS IS” BA-SIS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANYKIND. The disk(s) storing the SOFTWARE is(are) warranted only against defective ma-terial under normal use for a period ofninety (90) days after purchase from an au-thorized Canon dealer as evidenced fromyour sales receipt. Your sole remedy for adefective disk shall be replacement of thesame without charge when returned by youat your expense to your point of purchaseand proven to be defective upon inspection.The replacement disk(s) will be warrantedfor the remainder of the original ninety (90)day warranty period of the defective disk(s).The limited warranty does not apply if thefailure of the disk(s) resulted from accident,abuse or misapplication of the SOFTWAREand shall not extend to anyone other thanthe original user of the SOFTWARE.EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH IN THISPARAGRAPH 4, CANON, CANON’S SUBSID-IARIES, DISTRIBUTORS AND DEALERS DIS-CLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IM-PLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PAR-TICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THESOFTWARE.NONE OF CANON OR ANY OF CANON’S SUB-SIDIARIES, DISTRIBUTORS OR DEALERS IS LI-ABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES HOWSOEVERCAUSED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION,DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTALLOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING LOSS OFPROFITS, EXPENSE OR INCONVENIENCEHOWSOEVER CAUSED OR ARISING OUT OFTHE SOFTWARE OR THE USE THEREOF.NONE OF CANON OR ANY OF CANON’S SUB-SIDIARIES, DISTRIBUTORS OR DEALERSSHALL HAVE ANY OBLIGATION TO INDEM-NIFY YOU AGAINST ANY CLAIM OR SUITBROUGHT BY A THIRD PARTY ALLEGINGTHAT THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE THEREOF