INFRINGES ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYOF SUCH THIRD PARTY.5. TERM: This Agreement is effective uponyour using the SOFTWARE and remains ineffect until expiration of all copyright in-terests in the SOFTWARE unless earlier ter-minated. You may terminate this Agree-ment by destroying the SOFTWARE, includ-ing all back-up copies of the SOFTWARE.This Agreement will also terminate withoutnotice to you if you fail to comply with anyof the terms of this Agreement and youmust then promptly return the SOFTWARE.In addition, Canon may enforce its otherlegal rights.6. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTSNOTICE: The SOFTWARE is provided with re-stricted rights. Use, duplication or disclosureis subject to restrictions as set forth in ei-ther subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rightsin Technical Data and Computer softwareclause at DFARs 252.227-7013 or subpara-graph (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Com-puter Software Restricted Rights Clause atFAR 52.227-19, as applicable.7. SEVERABILITY: In the event that any provi-sion of this Agreement is declared or foundto be illegal by any court or tribunal of com-petent jurisdiction, such provision shall benull and void with respect to the jurisdic-tion of that court or tribunal and all theremaining provisions of the Agreement shallremain in full force and effect.8. CONTROLLING LAW: The terms of thisAgreement as it relates to purchases of theSOFTWARE in the United States of Americashall be governed and construed in all re-spects in accordance with the laws and regu-lations of the State of New York, withoutreference to choice of law principles. Theterms of this Agreement as it relates to pur-chase of the SOFTWARE in Canada shall begoverned by and construed in all respectsin accordance with the laws and regulationsof the Province of Ontario.9. OWNERSHIP: All rights, including but notlimited to copyrights and trade secret rights,to the SOFTWARE belong to Canon, its af-filiated corporations and third party licen-sors. Your use of the SOFTWARE is subjectto the United States, Canada and other ap-plicable copyright and trademark laws andnothing in this Agreement constitutes awaiver of the rights of Canon, its affiliatedcorporations and third party licensors un-der such laws. Nothing contained in Para-graph 1 shall be construed to give Canonany ownership in any images, graphics ortextual material that you may save in con-nection with the SOFTWARE.10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: BY USING THE SOFT-WARE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOUHAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDER-STOOD IT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BYITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU ALSOAGREE THAT THIS AGREEMENT IS THE COM-PLETE AND EXCLUSIVE STATEMENT OFAGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND CANONCONCERNING THE SUBJECT MATTERHEREOF AND SUPERSEDES ALL PROPOSALSOR PRIOR AGREEMENTS, VERBAL OR WRIT-TEN, AND ANY OTHER COMMUNICATIONSBETWEEN THE PARTIES RELATING TO THESUBJECT MATTER HEREOF. NO AMEND-MENT TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE EF-FECTIVE UNLESS SIGNED BY A DULY AUTHO-RIZED OFFICER OF CANON.i