iiiUsing Your DocumentationThe following documentation is supplied with the Canon BJC-4400Series Color Bubble Jet™ Printer to help you efficiently use your newprinter.Quick Start GuideThis booklet describes the steps you follow to unpack and set up yourprinter and install the BJC-4400 Series Printer Driver for Windows®.You can follow the steps illustrated in the booklet to start printing inminutes. It also includes quick reference information to help you usethe printer on a daily basis.User’s ManualThis manual offers detailed information on how to operate your printer.It includes printing operations, maintenance, and specifications. Readthis manual to master basic operations and when you need to know thespecifications of the printer.ConventionsThis User’s Manual uses the following conventions to alert you toinformation that will help you operate the printer correctly and safely.N Notes provide advice or suggestions regarding the use of the printer.C Cautions alert you to operations that could cause damage to yourhardware or software, or cause injury to yourself.