7.1.1 Base and Guy Anchor LayoutThe tower attaches to a user-supplied concrete foundation as shown in FIGURE 7-1 (p. 9). Thebase brackets, anchor bolts, and nuts are included with the tower.A guyed UT20 tower requires an area approximately 11.5 ft in radius, and a guyed UT30 towerrequires an area approximately 17 ft in radius. Brush and tall weeds need to be removed.Otherwise, the natural vegetation and ground surface should be disturbed as little as possible.Drive a stake where the base of the tower will be located. Attach a line to the stake and scribe acircle with an 11.5 ft radius for the UT20 or a 17 ft radius for the UT30. The tower will bepositioned so two legs will be parallel to the equator as well as closest to the equator. The towerwill then tilt away from the equator at an angle for servicing as shown by the two tilt directionoptions in FIGURE 7-2 (p. 11). Drive a stake on the scribed line opposite the direction the towerwill hinge for the first guy anchor location.When using a UT30 on level ground, lay out the remaining two anchor locations by measuring29.5 ft from the first anchor to the scribed line on either side of the base stake (FIGURE 7-2 (p.11)). When using a UT20 on level ground, lay out the two remaining anchor locations 20 ft fromthe first anchor to the scribed line on either side of the base stake.UT20 and UT30 Universal Towers 10