6-1SECTION 6. 9-PIN SERIAL INPUT/OUTPUT6.1 PIN DESCRIPTIONAll external communication peripherals connectto the CR10 through the 9-pin subminiature D-type socket connector located on the front ofthe Wiring Panel (Figure 6.1-1). Table 6.1-1shows the I/O pin configuration, and gives abrief description of the function of each pin.FIGURE 6.1-1. 9-pin Female ConnectorTABLE 6.1-1. Pin DescriptionABR = Abbreviation for the function name.PIN = Pin number.O = Signal Out of the CR10 to a peripheral.I = Signal Into the CR10 from a peripheral.PIN ABR I/O Description1 5 V O 5V: Sources 5 VDC, usedto power peripherals.2 SG Signal Ground:Provides a power returnfor pin 1 (5V), and isused as a reference forvoltage levels.3 RING I Ring: Raised by aperipheral to put theCR10 in thetelecommunicationsmode.4 RXD I Receive Data: Serialdata transmitted by aperipheral are receivedon pin 4.5 ME O Modem Enable: Raisedwhen the CR10determines that amodem raised the ringline.PIN ABR I/O Description6 SDE O Synchronous DeviceEnable: Used toaddress SynchronousDevices (SDs), and canbe used as an enableline for printers.7 CLK/HS I/O Clock/Handshake: Usedwith the SDE and TXDlines to address andtransfer data to SDs.When not used as aclock, pin 7 can be usedas a handshake line(during printer output,high enables, lowdisables).8 TE O Tape Enable: Powersthe cassette recorderduring tape transfer.9 TXD O Transmit Data: Serialdata are transmittedfrom the CR10 toperipherals on pin 9;logic low marking (0V)logic high spacing (5V)standard asynchronousASCII, 8 data bits, noparity, 1 start bit, 1 stopbit, 300, 1200, 9600,76,800 baud (userselectable).