CR10 OVERVIEWOV-7OV1.2 CONNECTING POWER TO THE CR10The CR10 can be powered by any 12VDCsource. First connect the positive lead from thepower supply to one of the 12V terminals andthen connect the negative lead to one of thepower ground (G) terminals. The Wiring Panelpower connection is reverse polarity protected.See Section 14 for details on power supplyconnections.CAUTION: The metal surfaces of theCR10 Wiring Panel, and CR10KDKeyboard Display are at the same potentialas power ground. To avoid shorting 12volts to ground, connect the 12 volt leadfirst, then connect the ground lead.OV2. MEMORY AND PROGRAMMINGCONCEPTSThe CR10 must be programmed before it willmake any measurements. A program consistsof a group of instructions entered into aprogram table. The program table is given anexecution interval which determines howfrequently that table is executed. When thetable is executed, the instructions are executedin sequence from beginning to end. Afterexecuting the table, the CR10 waits theremainder of the execution interval and thenexecutes the table again starting at thebeginning.The interval at which the table is executedgenerally determines the interval at which thesensors are measured. The interval at whichdata are stored is separate from how often thetable is executed, and may range from samplesevery execution interval to processedsummaries output hourly, daily, or on longer orirregular intervals.Figure OV2.1-1 represents the measurement,processing, and data storage sequence, andthe types of instructions used to accomplishthese tasks.OV2.1 INTERNAL MEMORYThe CR10 has 64K bytes of Random AccessMemory (RAM), divided into five areas. Theuse of the Input, Intermediate, and FinalStorage in the measurement and dataprocessing sequence is shown in FigureOV2.1-1. While the total size of these threeareas remains constant, memory may bereallocated between the areas to accommodatedifferent measurement and processing needs(*A Mode, Section 1.5). The size of the 2additional memory areas, system and program,are fixed. The five areas of RAM are:1. Input Storage - Input Storage holds theresults of measurements or calculations.The *6 Mode is used to view Input Storagelocations for checking current sensorreadings or calculated values. InputStorage defaults to 28 locations. Additionallocations can be assigned using the *AMode (Section 1.5).2. Intermediate Storage - Certain ProcessingInstructions and most of the OutputProcessing Instructions maintainintermediate results in IntermediateStorage. Intermediate storage isautomatically accessed by the instructionsand cannot be accessed by the user. Thedefault allocation is 64 locations. Thenumber of locations can be changed usingthe *A Mode.3. Final Storage - Final processed values arestored here for transfer to printer, solidstate Storage Module or for retrieval viatelecommunication links. Values are storedin Final Storage only by the OutputProcessing Instructions and only when theOutput Flag is set in the users program.Approximately 29,900 locations areallocated to Final Storage on power up.This number is reduced if Input orIntermediate Storage is increased.4. System Memory - used for overhead taskssuch as compiling programs, transferringdata etc. The user cannot access thismemory.5. Program Memory - available for userprograms entered in program tables 1 and2, and Subroutine Table 3.