SandblastingKitsTable of ContentsDescription 1Unpacking 1Safety Guidelines 1General Safety Information 1Assembly 2Operation 3Technical Service 3Types of Abrasives 4Suggested Uses 5Troubleshooting Chart 6Warranty 8DescriptionCampbell Hausfeld sandblastingequipment is designed for cleaning andremoving rust, scale, and paint It is theideal method for stripping, polishingand etching projects This equipmentcan be used with sand, abrasivepowders, water and other liquidsUnpackingAfter unpacking the unit, inspectcarefully for any damage that mayhave occurred during transit Make sureto tighten fittings, bolts, etc , beforeputting unit into serviceReaD & Follow all InSTRUCTIonSSave TheSe InSTRUCTIonSDo noT DISCaRDSafety GuidelinesThis manual contains informationthat is very important to know andmasonry. This dust often containschemicals known to cause cancer, birthdefects, or other reproductive harm.Wear protective gear.STaTIC eleCTRICITyFire or Explosion Hazard!Never use a sand blasteraround combustible orflammable liquids, gases,dusts, oily rags, or othermaterials that can explode orburn quickly. Some abrasivescreate sparks when they hitmetal. Abrasives similar to aluminumoxide may generate static electricsparks. In an unsafe environment, thesesparks will start fires or explosions thatwill result in death or serious personalinjury. For your safety and the safetyof people nearby, DO NOT USE this sandblaster where there are combustibleor flammable liquids, gases, dusts,oily rags, or other materials that canexplode or burn quickly.Static electric shocks canbe painful. Some abrasivessimilar to aluminum oxide cancreate static electricity while you aresand blasting. If you are not grounded,the static electricity can build up onyour body and cause a shock whenyou touch a metal object. You canavoid static electricity by wearingleather soled shoes and standing onthe ground. If necessary, a groundedwire attached to the sand blast gunwill safely remove the static electricity.Remember, you are not grounded ifyou are insulated from the ground.Rubber soled shoes, rubber boots, orother rubber or plastic footwear areinsulators. Avoid standing on dry woodunderstand This information isprovided for SAFETY and to PREVENTEQUIPMENT PROBLEMS To helprecognize this information, observe thefollowing symbolsDangerindicatesan imminently hazardous situationwhich, if not avoided, WILL result indeath or serious injury.Warningindicatesa potentially hazardous situation which,if not avoided, COULD result in death orserious injury.Cautionindicatesa potentially hazardous situation which,if not avoided, MAY result in minor ormoderate injury.Noticeindicatesimportant information, that if notfollowed, may cause damage toequipment.noTe: Information that requires specialattentionGeneral Safety InformationCalIFoRnIa pRopoSITIon 65Thisproductor its power cord may contain chemicalsknown to the State of California tocause cancer and birth defects or otherreproductive harm. Wash hands afterhandling.You can create dust whenyou cut, sand, drill or grindmaterials such as wood,paint, metal, concrete, cement, or otherPlease read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described.Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/orproperty damage! Retain instructions for future reference.BUILT TO LASTFor parts, product & service informationvisit www.chpower.comREMINDER: Keep your dated proof of purchase for warranty purposes!Attach it to this manual or file it for safekeeping.IN239801AV 12/07See warranty on page 8 for important information about commercial use of this product.operating Instructions aT122601, aT125102, aT121002, and aT121102© 2007 Campbell Hausfeld/Scott Fetzer