SECTION 3. PROGRAMMING3-43.2 PC208 DATALOGGER SUPPORTSOFTWAREThe PC208 Datalogger Support Software isused for interactive telecommunication betweenthe weather station and the computer. ThePC208 software has five software programs:TELCOM, GraphTerm, EDLOG, SPLIT, andSMCOM. Detailed information on each of theseprograms is found in the PC208 instructionmanual.TELCOMTELCOM automates data retrieval from theweather station over a communication link. Thecreation of a station file to specify thecommunication link, data file name and format,and the calling schedule is menu driven.GraphTermGraphTerm is a terminal emulator program forremote monitoring and displaying of data,downloading and uploading dataloggerprograms, and remote keyboard entry.Datalogger type, interface option and baud rateare specified and saved in a station file similarto that created in Telcom.EDLOGEDLOG is used to develop and documentdatalogger programs. Once this program issaved TERM can download it to the weatherstation.SPLITSPLIT is a general purpose data reductionprogram that operates on data produced by theweather station. SPLIT can select data fromone or more files, process and/or combine thedata and generate a titled report with labeleddata columns.SMCOMSMCOM (Storage Module CommunicationsSoftware) establishes communication with theSM192 and SM716 Storage Modules forretrieving and storing data on disk, as well asfor storing and retrieving datalogger programs.SMCOM provides prompts requestinginformation from the user.