Chapter 16: Quality of Service (QoS) (CLI) Configuring Classification (CLI)phn-3963_008v000Page 16-2Configuring Classification (CLI)This section includes:• Classification Overview (CLI)• Configuring Ingress Path Classification on a Logical Interface (CLI)• Configuring VLAN Classification and Override (CLI)• Configuring 802.1p Classification (CLI)• Configuring DSCP Classification (CLI)• Configuring MPLS Classification (CLI)• Configuring a Default CoS (CLI)• Configuring Ingress Path Classification on a Service Point (CLI)• Configuring Ingress Path Classification on a Service (CLI)Classification Overview (CLI)PTP 850 supports a hierarchical classification mechanism. The classification mechanism examines incoming framesand determines their CoS and Color. The benefit of hierarchical classification is that it provides the ability to “zoomin” or “zoom out”, enabling classification at higher or lower levels of the hierarchy. The nature of each trafficstream defines which level of the hierarchical classifier to apply, or whether to use several levels of theclassification hierarchy in parallel.The hierarchical classifier consists of the following levels:• Logical interface-level classification• Service point-level classification• Service level classificationConfiguring Ingress Path Classification on a Logical Interface(CLI)Logical interface-level classification enables you to configure classification on a single interface or on a number ofinterfaces grouped tougher, such as a LAG group.The classifier at the logical interface level supports the following classification methods, listed from highest tolowest priority. A higher level classification method supersedes a lower level classification method:• VLAN ID• 802.1p bits.• DSCP values.• MPLS EXP field.• Default CoS