PMP Synchronization Solutions User Guide Installing a CMM4PMP-0297 007v001 (January, 2017) 3-66Cabling a Rackmount CMM4Perform the following procedure to cable the Rackmount CMM4:Procedure 16 Cabling the Rackmount CMM41 Connect Ethernet cables as follows (see page 3-11 for typical diagrams and planninginformation):• APs, BH10s, or BH20s (PTP 100 Series bridges), PTP 230 Series bridges: cable topowered ports of the controller board. The controller board provides sync, power, andsurge suppression for these connections. A Cambium 600SS surge suppressor (modelnumber 600SSC or later) should be mounted outside the building or communicationshut on each line at the point of cable penetration to prevent over-voltages and over-currents from entering the building and potentially damaging other electronicequipment.• Terrestrial feeds under 100 Mbps (10/100BaseT): cable to an unpowered port of thecontroller board. The controller board provides surge suppression for theseconnections. A Cambium 600SS surge suppressor (model number 600SSC or later)should be mounted outside the building or communications hut on each line at thepoint of cable penetration to prevent over-voltages and over-currents from enteringthe building and potentially damaging other electronic equipment.• Terrestrial feeds over 100 Mbps (1000BaseT Gigabit Ethernet): cable directly to theGigabit port of the external switch, and mount a Cambium PTP-LPU lightningprotection unit or equivalenton the outside of the building or communications hut atthe point of cable penetration if the CMM4 is located indoors.• PTP 400 Series bridges: cable to an unpowered port of the controller board. Install thebridge’s PIDU (Powered InDoor Unit) also inside the building, and install a HyperlinkTechnologies AL-CAT6HP-JW surge suppressor or equivalent on the outside of thebuilding or communications hut at the point of cable penetration.• PTP 500 and 600 Series bridges: cable directly to the Gigabit port of the externalswitch. Install the bridge’s PIDU (Powered InDoor Unit) also inside the building, andinstall a Hyperlink Technologies AL-CAT6HP-JW surge suppressor or equivalent on theoutside of the building or communications hut at the point of cable penetration.2 Connect the coax cable from the female N-connector on the GPS antenna to the female N-connector on the outside of the CMM4.3 For 29 V: Connect the white wire to +29V on either of the 29 VDC terminal blocks.4 Connect the black wire to - V (GND) on the same 29 VDC terminal block.5 For 56V: Connect the black and white wire to +56V on either of the 56 VDC terminal blocks.6 Connect the black wire to –V (GND) on the same 56 VDC terminal block.7 Plug the DC power supply into an AC receptacle (AC mains).8 Verify that the LEDs light.