2008 Gazebo Owner’s Manual Page 1LTR20081011, Rev. ADelivery and Set-upConsider Your PrivacyIn a cold weather climate, bare trees won’t provide muchprivacy. Think of your gazebos surroundings duringall seasons to determine your best privacy options.Consider the view of your neighbors as well, when youplan the location of your gazebo.Provide A View With Your GazeboThink about the direction you will be facing when sittingin your gazebo. Do you have a special landscaped areain your yard that you find enjoyable? Perhaps there isan area that catches a soothing breeze during the dayand lovely sunset in the evening. Consider these thingswhen you plan your location.Assembly BasicsThe following will tell you how to assembly your gazebo.If you have any questions, problems with material and/orparts, contact your local retailer.NOTE: It is strongly advised that you have a licensedprofessional install the foundation for your new gazebo. Itis imperative that the foundation is level, as any damagethat occurs due to an uneven foundation is not coveredby the warranty.When assembling the gazebo, the owner must determinewhat is the gazebo going to cover. If you plan to use itas a cover for patio furniture, then you can place thegazebo wherever you want it.If the gazebo is going to cover a spa, we recommend thatthe spa be located in the center of the slab (for weightdistribution) with the gazebo main supports mounted tothe concrete at each of the four corners.Prior to delivery of your new Cal Spa, we recommendthat you determine where your spa will be placed. Forexample: if you are going to center your spa on theconcrete slab, take measurements that will enableyou to determine where the edges of the spa will belocated. When done, mark the corner locations.)Upon delivery of your new Cal Spa, notify theinstallation crew that you have determined whereyou want the spa located.After the spa has been installed and is operating,the assembly of the your new gazebo may begin.Important: This gazebo is a free-standing unit. As withany structure, it is critical that all the main support postsbe plumb (vertically level). If the first main support postis not plumb, then the entire gazebo will be misaligned.The best way to keep the structure level is to use a level1.2.3.Delivery and Set-upGeneral Safety PrecautionsCarefully read and follow all safetyinstructionsWhen installing and assembling your gazebo, it isrecommended that two or more people be involved.Do not use the unit during an electrical storm.Do not climb on top of the gazebo. While the gazebo ismade out of high-quality wood and is extremely durable,it is not meant to support weight. In addition, falling offof the gazebo while climbing on it can result in seriousinjury or death.Do not attempt any repair without consulting themanufacturer first. Unauthorized repairs will void themanufacturer’s warranty (within the first 90 days).Delivery and Set-UpYour Cal Enclosures retailer can help you withfoundations and more. Your retailer has a wealth ofinformation and experience about how to get the mostout of your gazebo. Your gazebo retailer also has a fullline of accessories that are engineered to complimentyour gazebo.Planning the Best Location forYour GazeboMost cities and counties require permits for exteriorconstruction and electrical circuits. In addition, somecommunities have codes requiring residential barrierssuch as fencing and/or self-closing gates on property toprevent unsupervised access to the property by childrenunder the age of five. Your dealer can provide informationon which permits may be required and how to obtainthem prior to the delivery of your equipment.The following are some of the things that you will need toconsider when determining the placement of your newgazebo.Consider How You Will Use Your GazeboHow you intend to use your gazebo will help youdetermine where you should position it. For example,will you use your gazebo for recreational purposes? Ifyour gazebo is mainly used for family functions, be sureto leave plenty of room around it for activity.