59 VersionDisplays the modem firmware version currently loaded in the unit Kernel DateDisplays the date of the operating system kernel the unit is runningLogging Settings Auto-LoggingSelecting Enable and pressing Save will enable the logging capability which saves periodic and event driven logs topermanent memory. Technical Services personnel may find such logs useful in analyzing field issues. SelectingDisable and pressing Save will disable the logging capability. This is the default setting. To make best use ofavailable memory it is recommended to only enable the logging capability if it is necessary to help diagnose anissue.Log File Actions Log Action― Store in modem: Selecting Store in Modem and pressing Go will create a current status log, and overwrite anypreviously saved log. This action will save a log even if auto-logging is disabled. It is best to save the logimmediately following the adverse event, and before any reboot. This log will contain only informationcollected since the most recent reboot of the device.― Display: Selecting Display and pressing Go will display a previously stored log directly to the web browser. Youcan use your mouse to select the text, copy it, and paste it into a text editor to save the log on your computer.― TFTP to Server: Selecting TFTP to Server and pressing Go will initiate a transfer of a previously saved log file toa specified IP address using the TFTP protocol. In order for the transfer to be successful, a reachable IP addressmust be entered under TFTP Server IP and the computer at that IP address must be running a TFTP Serverprogram. Many free TFTP Servers are available for download over the internet. Note that TFTP is differentthan FTP. TFTP Server IPWhen selecting TFTP to Server and pressing Go a valid and reachable IP address must be entered here in order tocomplete the transfer of the saved log file using the TFTP protocol. In order for the transfer to be successful, areachable IP address must be entered under TFTP Server IP and the computer at that IP address must be running aTFTP Server program. Many free TFTP Servers are available for download over the internet. Note that TFTP isdifferent than FTP.3.10 I/O SETTINGS3.10.1 STATUS