Black plate (35,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 2011Driving and Operating 9-35Engine HeaterThe engine coolant heater canprovide easier starting and betterfuel economy during enginewarm-up in cold weather conditionsat or below −18°C (0°F). Vehicleswith an engine heater should beplugged in at least four hours beforestarting. An internal thermostat inthe plug-end of the cord may existwhich will prevent engine coolantheater operation at temperaturesabove −18°C (0°F).To Use the Engine CoolantHeater1. Turn off the engine.2. Open the hood and unwrapthe electrical cord. The cordis secured to the EngineCompartment Fuse Block with aclip. Carefully remove the wiretie which secures the electricalcord. Do not cut theelectrical cord.3. Plug the cord into a normal,grounded 110-volt AC outlet.{ WARNINGPlugging the cord into anungrounded outlet could causean electrical shock. Also, thewrong kind of extension cordcould overheat and cause a fire.You could be seriously injured.Plug the cord into a properlygrounded three-prong 110-voltAC outlet. If the cord will notreach, use a heavy-dutythree-prong extension cord ratedfor at least 15 amps.4. Before starting the engine, besure to unplug and store thecord as it was before to keep itaway from moving engine parts.If you do not, it could bedamaged.The length of time the heater shouldremain plugged in depends onseveral factors. Ask a dealer in thearea where you will be parking thevehicle for the best advice on this.Retained AccessoryPower (RAP)The following vehicle accessoriescan be used for up to 10 minutesafter the engine is turned off:. Audio System. Power Windows. OnStar System (if equipped). Sunroof (if equipped)These features work when the keyis in ON/RUN or ACC/ACCESSORY. Once the key isturned from ON/RUN to LOCK/OFF,the windows and sunroof continueto work up to 10 minutes until anydoor is opened. The radio continuesto work for up to 10 minutes or untilthe driver door is opened.