Black plate (7,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 2011Driving and Operating 9-7Of course, traction is reduced whenwater, snow, ice, gravel, or othermaterial is on the road. For safety,slow down and adjust your driving tothese conditions. It is important toslow down on slippery surfacesbecause stopping distance is longerand vehicle control more limited.While driving on a surface withreduced traction, try to avoidsudden steering, acceleration,or braking, including reducingvehicle speed by shifting to a lowergear. Any sudden changes couldcause the tires to slide. You mightnot realize the surface is slipperyuntil the vehicle is skidding. Learn torecognize warning clues — such asenough water, ice, or packed snowon the road to make a mirroredsurface — and slow down whenyou have any doubt.Remember: Antilock brakes helpavoid only the braking skid.Off-Road DrivingVehicles with all‐wheel drive can beused for off‐road driving. Vehicleswithout all‐wheel drive and vehicleswith 22‐inch tire/wheel assembliesshould not be driven off-road excepton a level, solid surface.Many of the vehicle design featuresthat help make the vehicle moreresponsive on paved roads duringpoor weather conditions also helpmake it better suited for off‐roaduse than conventional passengervehicles. The vehicle does nothave features usually thought to benecessary for extended or severeoff‐road use such as specialunderbody shielding and transfercase low gear range.The airbag system is designed towork properly under a wide range ofconditions, including off‐road usage.Always wear your safety belt andobserve safe driving speeds,especially on rough terrain.Drinking and driving can be verydangerous on any road and this iscertainly true for off-road driving.At the very time you need specialalertness and driving skills, yourreflexes, perceptions, and judgmentcan be affected by even a smallamount of alcohol. You could have aserious — or even fatal — accidentif you drink and drive or ride with adriver who has been drinking.Off-roading can be great fun but hassome definite hazards. The greatestof these is the terrain itself. Whenoff-road driving, traffic lanes are notmarked, curves are not banked, andthere are no road signs. Surfacescan be slippery, rough, uphill,or downhill.Avoid sharp turns and abruptmaneuvers. Failure to operate thevehicle correctly off‐road couldresult in loss of vehicle control orvehicle rollover.