Black plate (19,1)Cadillac ATS Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-6441895) - 2014 -CRC - 8/7/13Seats and Restraints 3-19Airbag SystemThe vehicle has the followingairbags:. A frontal airbag for the driver.. A frontal airbag for the frontoutboard passenger.. A knee airbag for the driver.. A knee airbag for the frontoutboard passenger.. A seat-mounted side impactairbag for the driver.. A seat-mounted side impactairbag for the front outboardpassenger.. A roof-rail airbag for the driverand the passenger seateddirectly behind the driver.. A roof-rail airbag for the frontoutboard passenger and thepassenger seated directlybehind the front outboardpassenger.The vehicle may have the followingairbags:. Seat-mounted side impactairbags for the second rowoutboard passengers.All vehicle airbags have the wordAIRBAG on the trim or on a labelnear the deployment opening.For frontal airbags, the wordAIRBAG is on the centre of thesteering wheel for the driver and onthe instrument panel for the frontoutboard passenger.For knee airbags, the word AIRBAGis on the lower part of theinstrument panel.For seat-mounted side impactairbags, the word AIRBAG is on theside of the seatback closest tothe door.For roof-rail airbags, the wordAIRBAG is on the ceiling or trim.Airbags are designed to supplementthe protection provided by safetybelts. Even though today's airbagsare also designed to help reducethe risk of injury from the force of aninflating bag, all airbags must inflatevery quickly to do their job.