Black plate (9,1)Cadillac ATS Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-6441895) - 2014 -CRC - 8/7/13Driving and Operating 9-9Warning (Continued)If the vehicle is stuck in the snow:. Clear away snow from aroundthe base of your vehicle,especially any that is blockingthe exhaust pipe.. Check again from time totime to be sure snow doesnot collect there.. Open a window about 5 cm(2 in) on the side of thevehicle that is away from thewind to bring in fresh air.. Fully open the air outlets onor under the instrumentpanel.. Adjust the climate controlsystem to a setting thatcirculates the air inside thevehicle and set the fan speedto the highest setting. See“Climate Control Systems”.(Continued)Warning (Continued)For more information aboutcarbon monoxide, see EngineExhaust on page 9-21.To save fuel, run the engine for onlyshort periods as needed to warmthe vehicle and then shut the engineoff and close the window most ofthe way to save heat. Repeat thisuntil help arrives but only when youfeel really uncomfortable from thecold. Moving about to keep warmalso helps.If it takes some time for help toarrive, now and then when you runthe engine, push the acceleratorpedal slightly so the engine runsfaster than the idle speed. Thiskeeps the battery charged to restartthe vehicle and to signal for helpwith the headlamps. Do this as littleas possible to save fuel.If the Vehicle Is StuckSlowly and cautiously spin thewheels to free the vehicle whenstuck in sand, mud, ice, or snow.If stuck too severely for the tractionsystem to free the vehicle, turn thetraction system off and use therocking method. See TractionControl/Electronic Stability Controlon page 9-31.{ WarningIf the vehicle's tyres spin at highspeed, they can explode, and youor others could be injured. Thevehicle can overheat, causing anengine compartment fire or otherdamage. Spin the wheels as littleas possible and avoid goingabove 56 km/h (35 mph).