Black plate (64,1)Cadillac ATS Owner Manual - 2013 - CRC - 10/5/129-64 Driving and OperatingFuelUse of the recommended fuel is animportant part of the propermaintenance of this vehicle. To helpkeep the engine clean and maintainoptimum vehicle performance, werecommend the use of gasolineadvertised as TOP TIER DetergentGasoline.Look for the TOP TIER label on thefuel pump to ensure gasoline meetsenhanced detergency standardsdeveloped by auto companies. A listof marketers providing TOP TIERDetergent Gasoline can be found TOP TIERgasoline is only available in the U.S.and Canada.The eighth digit of the VehicleIdentification Number (VIN) showsthe code letter or number thatidentifies the vehicle's engine. TheVIN is at the top left of theinstrument panel. See VehicleIdentification Number (VIN) onpage 12‑1.Vehicles that have a yellow fuel capcan use either unleaded gasolineor ethanol fuel containing up to85% ethanol (E85). See Fuel E85(85% Ethanol) on page 9‑66. Forall other vehicles, use only theunleaded gasoline described underRecommended Fuel on page 9‑64.Recommended FuelIf the vehicle has a 2.5L L4 engineor a 3.6L V6 engine, use regularunleaded gasoline with a postedoctane rating of 87 or higher. If theoctane rating is less than 87, anaudible knocking noise, commonlyreferred to as spark knock, might beheard when driving. If this occurs,use a gasoline rated at 87 octane orhigher as soon as possible. If heavyknocking is heard when usinggasoline rated at 87 octane orhigher, the engine needs service.If the vehicle has the 2.0L L4engine, use premium unleadedgasoline with a posted octane ratingof 91 or higher. You can also useregular unleaded gasoline rated at87 octane or higher, but thevehicle's acceleration could beslightly reduced, and a slightaudible knocking noise, commonlyreferred to as spark knock, mightbe heard. If the octane is lessthan 87, a heavy knocking noisemight be heard when driving.