B RPT (Repeat Disc): If this symbol appears onthe display after pressing the repeat screen button, thesystem will repeat all of the tracks on the disc currentlyplaying. Select the OFF screen button to turn offrepeat play.OFF: Select this screen button to turn off the scan,random, or repeat functions.Combined Disc: This system will also play a combineddisc which contains CD-DA and MP3 types of media.Use the CD screen button to switch between MP3and CD-DA tracks when playing a combined disc.¦t u ¥ (Seek Key): Press the up arrow to seek tothe next track on a disc. If playing the last track, pressingthe up arrow will seek to the first track of the next discwith the same media type or go to the first track of theselected disc.Press the down arrow to go to the beginning of thecurrent track or to the previous track on a disc. If playingthe first track, pressing the down arrow will seek to thelast track on the selected disc.Playing an Audio or Video DVDWhen an audio or video DVD has been loaded,the following screen will appear. Some features donot function for both audio and video DVDs.To get the best sound quality from an audio DVD, thecurrent group that is playing may need to be changed.Audio DVDs are usually set up with multiple copies of thealbum on the disc, called groups. Group 1 may play thealbum in PPCM audio and Group 2 may play the album inDolby® Surround Sound.3-19