Section 7 MAIN MENUCalifornia Analytical Model 600 CLD C_ETL_US/CE Operators ManualRev12 Page 18 of 817.4. F4 CalibrationsF4 from the Main Menu activates the Calibrations screen. Calibrations may be automaticor manual. Deviations can also be displayed. Calibration values can be reset to defaultvalues and the range to be calibrated can be changed.Main Menu (User Level 4)Calibration Screen7.4.1. F1 Automatic CalibrationFrom the Calibrations screen, F1 starts automatic calibration. If auto range isselected, the actual range in use will be calibrated. Auto calibration works as follows:First zero gas is purged a certain time, called purge-time. Then the measurementbegins. The measured value must be a minimum-time, called measuring-time andwithin an upper and a lower limit to be saved as new offset value. The maximumlength of measuring time is 9 seconds. If the measured value was constant duringcalibration time, it is checked to determine if this value deviates from the precedingvalue. If the deviations are too large, a warning ”Deviation error!” appears and theuser can choose if the new value is saved or not. At last, the zero gas is flown afurther time, verifying time, so it can be checked if the signal is still constant. All ofthese times can be changed. After zero gas calibration, the same happens with spangas. During auto calibration ”Calibration in progress” is displayed. It also shows,