4 41 Introduction1.1 InstructionsImportant information and instructions in this documentation are designated as follows:Danger!Draws attention to an exceptionally great, imminent danger to your health or life due to hazardousvoltages.! Danger!Draws attention to a danger with high risk which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious injury.! Warning!Draws attention to a danger with medium risk which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious injury.! Caution!Draws attention to a danger with low risk which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.! Attention!Draws attention to potential risks of property damage or loss of quality.i Note!Advices to make work routine easier or on important steps to be carried out. Environment!Gives you tips on protecting the environment. Handling instruction Reference to section, position, illustration number or document. Option (accessories, peripheral equipment, special fittings).Time Information in the display.1.2 Intended Use• The device is manufactured in accordance with the current technological status and the recognized safety rules.However, danger to the life and limb of the user or third parties and/or damage to the device and other tangibleassets can arise during use.• The device may only be used for its intended purpose and if it is in perfect working order, and it must be used withregard to safety and dangers as stated in the operating manual.• The device printer is intended exclusively for printing suitable materials that have been approved by the manufac-turer. Any other use or use going beyond this shall be regarded as improper use. The manufacturer/supplier shallnot be liable for damage resulting from unauthorized use; the user shall bear the risk alone.• Usage for the intended purpose also includes complying with the operating manual, including the manufacturer‘smaintenance recommendations and specifications.i Note!The complete documentation is included in the scope of delivery on DVD, and can also currently be found inthe Internet.