Part I: Security System BasicsWarning Displays and Tones4998122475C Security System User's GuideWarning Displays and TonesYour command center emits one of several distincttones and displays custom text to alert you to systemevents. Additional bells or sirens may also be connectedto your system. Bells or sirens mounted on the exteriorof your premises alert neighbors to emergencies andprovide an audible guide for police and fire fighters.Command Center Quiets for KeystrokesPressing any key on the command center lights the keysand quiets any warning tones. If you don’t pressanother key within 20 seconds, the keypad lights go outand the warning tones resume.Priority of EventsIf more than one event occurs, your system sorts theminto one of four groups. The groups (highest priorityfirst) are:• Fire Alarms• Burglary Alarms• Fire Troubles and Fire Supervisory conditions• Non-Fire Troubles and Non-Fire Supervisoryconditions.The group with the highest priority scrolls first in thecommand center’s display. Descriptions of the tonesand displays for each group and instructions forsilencing the tones are included in the descriptions thatfollow.