Environmental protection en11■ Ensure that children do notplace fingers in the tabletcollecting tray 1B. Smallfingers could become caughtin the slots.■ When opening and closingthe door on an eye-levelappliance, ensure thatchildren do not becomejammed or crushed betweenthe appliance door and thecupboard door below.■ Children could becomelocked in the appliance(danger of suffocation) or getinto another dangeroussituation.Redundant appliances: Pullout the mains plug, severand dispose of the powercord. Destroy the door lockso that the door can nolonger be closed.7 EnvironmentalprotectionEnv i r onment al pr ot ec t i onBoth the packaging of new appliancesand the old appliances themselvescontain valuable raw materials andrecyclable materials.Please dispose of the individual partsseparated according to type.Please ask your dealer or inquire atyour local authority about current meansof disposal.PackagingAll plastic parts of the appliance areidentified with internationallystandardised abbreviations (e.g. PSpolystyrene). Therefore, plastic wastecan be sorted out when the appliance isbeing disposed of.Please follow the safety instructionsunder “Delivery” ~ Page 6.Old appliancesPlease follow the safety instructionsunder “Disposal of your appliance”~ Page 9.This appliance has beenidentified in accordance with theEuropean Directive 2012/19/EUon Waste Electrical andElectronic Equipment (WEEE).The directive provides aframework for the collection andrecycling of old appliances,which is valid across the EU.