Before conversion the cooktop must be disconnectedfrom the electricity and gas valves must be turned to theOFF position.1 Remove the trivets, burner caps and burner heads.2 Change the injectors using a 7-mm socket wrenchand be sure to tighten them down properly so that3 Re-assemble the burner component parts in reverseorder.Natural GasBurner Injectorsize(mm)Injectorsize(mm)Hourly Gas(MJ)Small 0.901.180.50To change injectorsAll work involved in installation, setting and adaptationto a different gas type must be carried out by authorisedpersonnel from our Service Centre and must complywith current regulations and the conditions laid down bythe local gas company.Request change-over injectors from our customer servicedeparment (refer injector chart below for sizes).Coverting the cooktopfrom Nat.Gas toNOTE: it is not necessary to adjust the primary air controlon these burners.67 mmHourly Gas(MJ)4,0Refer Fig. .7they are fully airtight. Refer Fig. .8870.97Universal LPGUniversal LPG6,53,256,25 0.6714,0 1.70 13,2511Consumption Consumptionok (Left front)MediumW11,5 1.55 9,5 0.85Large