EN | 10LTC 8714 and 8715 Series | Instruction Manual | Operation5 OPERATION1. Turn on the Allegiant Series main bay, theLTC 8714 Series Keyboard Port Expander,and the LTC 8715 Series Expander. Thepower LEDs on the LTC 8714 Series unitand the LTC 8715 Series unit should be on.2. Note that the system Tx LED on the front panelof the LTC 8714 Series Keyboard Port Expanderwill flash whenever data is being sent to theAllegiant system (or to an LTC 8715 SeriesExpander) from the LTC 8714 Series KeyboardPort Expander. The system Rx LED will flashwhenever data is being received from theAllegiant system (or from an LTC 8715 SeriesExpander). Data is also occasionally sent fromthe Allegiant system to reflect applicable systemchanges and on an occasional basis to maintaincurrent system status.The port LEDs on the LTC 8714 SeriesKeyboard Port Expander will indicate activedata communication to a connected keyboard.LEDs on the front panel of an LTC 8715 SeriesExpander will indicate communication betweenthe Allegiant system and the associatedLTC 8714 Series Keyboard Port Expandersthat are connected to it.Bosch Security Systems | May 23, 2005