Video Recorder 630/650 Series | en 97Bosch Security Systems Installation and Operation manual F.01U.169.663 | v2.0 | 2012.02OSS web site, indicated below, for the relevant period as mentioned in the relevant opensource license.The relevant open source software can be found obtain the complete Corresponding Source Code in the physical medium such as CD-ROMby airmail, Bosch may charge for reasonable costs related to producing a physical carrier ofopen source software or source code. This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of thisinformation.A.1.3 Warranties and disclaimer of warrantiesSoftware provided under other licenses has specific disclaimers of warranties. These arerepeated in the full license texts, and apply in full to the relevant software components.All software components provided under the other licenses are provided "as is" without anywarranty of any kind, including but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability orfitness for a particular purpose, unless stated otherwise in writing. Please see the full text ofthe relevant software licenses for further details.The Bosch standard product warranty onlyapplies to the combination of hardware and software as delivered by Bosch. Withoutprejudice to any licensee's right to apply the provisions of a relevant software license, anymodification of any software delivered with or as part of the product may render any warrantyon the whole product or any parts thereof null and void, and Bosch is entitled to charge feesfor any services in relation thereto.