en-us STATEMENT OF LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY5621.4 Repair/replace asyour exclusiveremedyDuring this warranty period,Bosch or one of its authorized ser-vice providers will repair yourProduct without charge to you(subject to certain limitationsstated herein) if your Productproves to have been manufac-tured with a defect in materials orworkmanship. If reasonable at-tempts to repair the Product havebeen made without success, thenBosch will replace your Product(upgraded models may be avail-able to you, in Bosch’s sole dis-cretion, for an additional charge).Nothing in this warranty requiresdamaged or defective parts to bereplaced with parts of a differenttype or design than the originalpart. All removed parts and com-ponents shall become the prop-erty of Bosch at its sole option. Allreplaced and/or repaired partsshall assume the identity of theoriginal part for purposes of thiswarranty and this warranty shallnot be extended with respect tosuch parts. Bosch's sole liabilityand responsibility hereunder is torepair manufacturer-defectiveProduct only, using a Bosch au-thorized service provider duringnormal business hours. For safetyand property damage concerns,Bosch highly recommends thatyou do not attempt to repair theProduct yourself, or use a non-au-thorized service provider; Boschwill have no responsibility or liabil-ity for damage resulting from re-pairs or work performed by a non-authorized service provider. Au-thorized service providers arethose persons or companies thathave been specially trained onBosch products, and who pos-sess, in Bosch's opinion, a supe-rior reputation for customer ser-vice and technical ability (notethat they are independent entitiesand are not agents, partners, affili-ates or representatives of Bosch).Nevertheless, taking your productto be serviced by a repair shopthat is not affiliated with or an au-thorized dealer of Bosch will notvoid this warranty. Also, usingthird-party parts will not void thiswarranty. Notwithstanding theforegoing, Bosch will not incur anyliability, or have responsibility, forthe Product if it is located in a re-mote area (more than 100 milesfrom an authorized serviceprovider) or is reasonably inac-cessible, hazardous, threatening,or treacherous locale, surround-ings, or environment; in any suchevent, if you request, Bosch wouldstill pay for labor and parts andship the parts to the nearest au-thorized service provider, but youwould still be fully liable and re-sponsible for any travel time orother special charges by the ser-vice company, assuming theyagree to make the service call.Further, to the extent you have in-stalled the Product in a difficult-to-access location or have otherwiseinstalled temporary or permanentfixtures that create barriers to ac-cessing or removing the Product,Bosch will not incur any liabilityfor, or have responsibility, for workor costs associated with movingthe Product or otherwise creatingaccess to the Product in order torepair or replace it. All such costsshall be your sole responsibility.21.5 Out of warrantyproductBosch is under no obligation, atlaw or otherwise, to provide youwith any concessions, including