en-us Home Connect®342. Follow the instructions in theHome Connect® app.15.2 Home Connect®settingsAdapt Home Connect® to yourneeds.You can find the Home Connect®settings in the basic settings foryour appliance. Which settings thedisplay shows will depend onwhether Home Connect® hasbeen set up and whether the ap-pliance is connected to your homenetwork.15.3 Remote StartYou can use the Home Connect®app to start the appliance withyour mobile device.Tip: If you select "rc2" in the Ba-sic settings →Page 32 of thisfunction, the function is perma-nently activated, and you can startyour appliance with a mobile de-vice at any time.Activating Remote StartWhen you have selected "rc1" inthe basic settings of this function,activate the function on your appli-ance.Requirements¡ The appliance is connected toyour WLAN home network.¡ The appliance is connected tothe Home Connect® app.¡ "rc1" is selected in the Basicsettings →Page 32 of this func-tion.¡ A program is selected.▶ Press .If you open the appliance door,the function is automatically de-activated.a button lights up.Tip: To deactivate the function,press .15.4 Remote DiagnosticsThe Customer Service can accessyour appliance via Remote Diag-nostics if you ask them to do so, ifyour appliance is connected to theHome Connect® server and if Re-mote Diagnostics is available inthe country where you are usingthe appliance.Tip: Further information and de-tails about the availability of Re-mote Diagnostics in your countrycan be found in the Service/Sup-port section of your local website:www.home-connect.com.15.5 Software updateYou can use this function to up-date the software of your appli-ance, e.g. for optimization, trou-bleshooting or safety-relevant up-dates.The Home Connect® app informsyou about available software up-dates.15.6 Data ProtectionPlease see the information ondata protection.The first time your appliance isregistered on a home networkconnected to the Internet, yourappliance will transmit thefollowing types of data to theHome Connect® server (initialregistration):¡ Unique appliance identification(consisting of appliance codesas well as the MAC address ofthe installed Wi-Fi communica-tion module).¡ Security certificate of the Wi-Ficommunication module (to en-sure a secure data connection).